I have decided to take my chances on a couple Vogue patterns. I'm a mostly self taught seamstress and by no means fantastic. I have tons still to learn but I have finally decided that I for sure know enough to be able to take on a Vogue Easy pattern or two.
I'm going to start with this fantastic coat pattern:
V8307 |
I'll be making View A, the short coat pictured in the center in black. With the help of Nikki from
SewSewDef, I found a fantastic black/red/gray/white houndstooth and gray broadcloth to serve as lining and to help keep out the wind during the very harsh Georgia winter.
I think what I'm most excited about, besides the amazing houndstooth, are the buttons. They match so well and are just the right amount of style without being overpowering. Since I am a petite person, a huge button on top of the pattern could easily overpower me. Also, I think the collar of this coat is enough of a statement that I don't have to help it along.
Like the smart person I try to be, I did check out this pattern on Pattern Review before deciding to do it for my first Vogue as well as first coat. There were only a couple of reviews but it was highly recommended and one lady had even made it a number of times. I feel that if you are willing to make the same pattern multiple times then it must be good.
The other Vogue pattern I'll be making is a Vintage Vogue dress.
V2960 |
I went thrifting a number of months ago with Nikki and found 3 sheets for about $2 each that I bought to use to make some dresses. I used one of them to make my Owl Dress (named because of the owls that are the print on the sheet) but I still have the other two laying around in wait of the perfect pattern for them. Without really looking this patterned showed up and I thought to myself "Finally! I can use my sheets!"
So when I go to make this dress post-coat, it will be made out of an off-white sheet with a branch and flower pattern in brown and teal. I will go buy a nice cotton to line it with as the sheet is a bit see through as you can see in the picture below.
The bottom sheet is the one I will be using for V2960 |
I don't foresee myself starting this project until this weekend or until I make my Halloween costume. I do know that this week with have me holed up in my room playing with the serger my Grandma got me for my birthday. I, sadly, haven't had time to play with it yet and am long over do to do so.